All Systems Operational

About This Site

This Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) Status page informs you of current & past outages, and upcoming maintenance operations. Outages to our system can be as simple as short network outages, where we will have a brief pause in operation, to larger power events requiring outside support. Not all events listed here result in data loss for our ONC. Any outage resulting in data loss is annotated by the ONC Data Team.

All times provided are UTC.

This page also shows current and past outages and major incidents for the main ONC observatories. It does not include specific instruments or infrastructure components. The timeline bar colours on this page indicate current performance, with green indicating Operational, yellow indicating Degraded Performance or Partial Outage and red indicating Major Outage.

Oceans 3.0 Operational
90 days ago
99.98 % uptime
Database Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
NEPTUNE Array in the Northeast Pacific ? Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Barkley Canyon Node Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Cascadia Basin Node Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Clayoquot Slope Node Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Endeavour Node Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Folger Passage Node Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
VENUS Array in the Salish Sea ? Operational
90 days ago
97.19 % uptime
Strait of Georgia East Node Operational
90 days ago
92.38 % uptime
Strait of Georgia Central Node Operational
90 days ago
99.67 % uptime
Saanich Inlet Node Operational
90 days ago
99.52 % uptime
Community Observatories ? Operational
90 days ago
99.84 % uptime
Baynes Sound, BC Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Burrard Inlet, BC Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Cambridge Bay, NU Operational
90 days ago
98.99 % uptime
Campbell River, BC Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
China Creek, BC Operational
90 days ago
99.97 % uptime
Digby Island, BC ? Operational
90 days ago
99.8 % uptime
Hartley Bay, BC Operational
90 days ago
99.97 % uptime
Kitamaat Village, BC Operational
90 days ago
99.73 % uptime
Prince Rupert, BC Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ridley Island, BC Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
BC Ferries ? Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Major outage
Partial outage
No downtime recorded on this day.
No data exists for this day.
had a major outage.
had a partial outage.
Past Incidents
Jul 27, 2024

No incidents reported today.

Jul 26, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 25, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 25, 12:02 UTC
Investigating - We have a suspected power outage at China Creek Community Observatory
Jul 25, 12:00 UTC
Jul 24, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 24, 18:20 UTC
Identified - We have been notified of an issue at the SAA Node.
Jul 24, 18:03 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 24, 17:59 UTC
Identified - We have been notified of an issue at the SAA Node.
Jul 24, 16:40 UTC
Jul 23, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 22, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 22, 18:27 UTC
Investigating - Monitoring has indicated issues at Cambridge Bay. We are investigating.
Jul 22, 17:23 UTC
Jul 21, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 20, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 19, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 18, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 18, 19:22 UTC
Identified - We have been notified of an issue at the SAA Node.
Jul 18, 13:06 UTC
Jul 17, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 16, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 15, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 14, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 13, 2024

No incidents reported.